Sea2See, the eyewear to save the Ocean
by François van den Abeele on Aug 30, 2016

Here are three alarming facts:
- By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the sea.
- 8 million tons of plastic are dumped into the sea every year.
- Or, to put it in another way: That’s the equivalent of 3 bags of plastic a day, per inhabitant of this planet.
It’s clear that this is not just a temporary issue. This is a ship sailing towards the deepest abyss unless we can change its course. At Sea2See we don’t sell glasses, we are fighting against an environmental issue that will affect not only every one of us but the future generations as well.
This is the reason why we created Sea2See, a brand of sunglasses that stands for the proliferation of circular economy that is environmentally sustainable, by using free-floating plastic that pollutes the sea, transforming it into modern and smart eyewear. At Sea2See we love the sea as much as many others in the world, but we go beyond that: we work every day to make it better by protecting it against pollution.
Just in Cataluña, Spain, Sea2See is collecting 10 Tons a month of used and abandoned fishing nets. To give you an idea of the magnitude of this issue, 8 million tons of marine debris is being dumped in the ocean every year. Clearly, there’s a lot of work to be done.
Solamente en Palamós, SEA2SEE recogió en un mes más de 1 tonelada de redes. Para que os hagáis una idea, cada año más de 6 millones de toneladas de residuos marinos terminan abandonados en los océanos. Está claro que aún queda mucho trabajo por hacer.
At Sea2See we created 3 collections: SURF, SHARK, and SHINE. You can purchase them here.
Shark Collection:
Surf Collection:
Shine Collection:
Each collection has a variety of models. We encourage you to take a look at our complete line and help us make the ocean a better place.
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